Advanced Certificate in Project Management Course (AdvCertPM) – NQF L6

Cranefield College’s Advanced Certificate in Project Management is designed for working professionals who wish to master the essentials of project management, general management, and business management in the prevailing fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 or 4IR), and apply cutting-edge management skills and principles. Momentous changes are occurring in the 4IR environment, and business administration is now more than ever before a vibrant and extremely valuable field of study. One cannot be a successful project manager without the supporting knowledge of general management and business management. The Advanced Certificate in Project Management is an accredited NQF Level 6 qualification.

Payment Options:

Full Fee or Per Module

Classes Per Module:

5 live interactive online classes 09H00 – 12H00 RSA time (Greenwich +2)

Live Online-Attendance:


Starts Every Quarter:

January, April, July, October

Registration Closes:

7 days prior to starting date

Course Duration:

View Prospectus


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What past students say about our courses

The MCom programme at Cranefield has fundamentally changed my outlook and made my service delivery and strategic focus more nuanced. The modules are the best strategic and business learning I have undertaken, vastly overtaking my previous studies both within and outside South Africa. I highly recommend Cranefield for every senior government official.

Neil Lewis

Senior Manager: Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA

I have definitely benefitted from my experience with Cranefield. When I completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management, I was a Project Manager at a bank. The course matter delivered by Prof Steyn and his colleagues equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to move across industries and I am now privileged to be the Operations Director of an organization which is leader in transport infrastructure.

Chris Papas

Operations Manager